08 May 2013


          What I hate the most is going to the market and seeing the headlines of local tabloids, suicide here and there. Frightening enough that it's just like a daily event that a person takes away his life because of depression, pressure, stress or complete insanity. But for those sane enough to think, IS THERE A DAMN GOOD REASON TO TAKE AWAY YOUR LIFE? I bet none.

            Okay, some of you might think that their problem is so heavy that they can't bear it anymore. Y'all need to think first. Are you going to take away your life because of just some silly problem you think that is too damn big for you to bear? Well, I'd be damned to tell y'all that there are a whole bunch of people out there with bigger problems than yours who are fighting to stay alive and to overcome their problems. Some may say, but this is the only way that they could stop the anguish in their lives, still this is plain crap, remember that if there is a will there is a way, if you won't do the initiative then you'll solve nothing.

           It really angers me to watch news and see teens and adults who take their own lives away because of a simple problem, love life, bullies (I'll tackle these turds later) ,  getting fired, nasty separations or just because they have no more money. Simply these people are still "emotionally immature". I know I'd stir up emotions here like I am a heartless bastard who is insensitive on this matter. Sorry, but I know how you feel, I lost a friend too because he took away his life.

            Let me cut to the chase, suicide is not a solution to anything, it'll only bring more problems than solution, imagine the grief that your family and friends will suffer, imagine the people you'll leave behind if you do this, imagine tomorrow, imagine a bright tomorrow with you in it, because you! Yes, you are important to this world, so if you take away your life, your potential may never be seen. There is no damned good reason for a person to take away his life, there are other solutions, like "opening up" to your parents or any relative you trust and you know who would give good advise, and I'll tell you, you'd feel eased and happy.

           So there you have it my friends, No good reason to take away your life, remember that. Keep living, make a difference, help stop suicide. We may not know that person in trouble will be the future's hope.

I just need to do this, Sorry for those who may have experienced such in their lives.
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Till the next issue.      


  1. YOLO. My RECONSE teacher always tells me to "Enjoy Life". Ha!

  2. @SsrandsforSober , that is true. One must enjoy life, not waste it on such crap like taking it away.
